The spectacular rise of TLP and the challenges ahead

Many Pakistan – and the world at large – have been wondering how a religious group has been agitating for the expulsion of the French Ambassador from the country, on account of “blasphemous” cartoons that were published and disseminated in France, and which were not banned by the French government due to its secularist stance on freedom of expression.

The origin, rapid raise and popularity of Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP)is intertwined which the recent political history of Pakistan. The TLP, following the Barelvi subsect of Sunni Islam, is a movement to defend the honour of Islam’s Prophet. Read More…

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The Islamabad Policy Institute (IPI) is a nonpartisan, independent policy research institute based in Islamabad. Our goal is to undertake in-depth analysis of challenges and choices confronting Pakistan. We aim to help policymakers and public better understand the world, region and Pakistan-specific challenges and opportunities. We make efforts to engage government, civil society, private sector, media, academia in open debates and dialogue on the most significant developments in national and international affairs. We envision contributing to policy-making through periodic policy-papers putting forward policy-recommendations developed in collaboration with experts and stakeholders in each area. IPI takes no institutional position on policy issues.


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