Evolving Situation in Afghanistan

For decades, Afghanistan has been at the forefront of Pakistan’s foreign policy and internal security. Owing to geography, people-to-people linkages, tribal affiliations, and the political economy of the border regions, Pakistan cannot remain insulated from the rapidly changing situation in Afghanistan. Among the regional states, Pakistan has high  stakes in peace, stability, and security in Afghanistan. Peace or conflict in Afghanistan directly affects Pakistan’s foreign policy and national security. Similarly, the choices Pakistan makes impact the internal and external dynamics of Afghanistan. Read More…

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The Islamabad Policy Institute (IPI) is a nonpartisan, independent policy research institute based in Islamabad. Our goal is to undertake in-depth analysis of challenges and choices confronting Pakistan. We aim to help policymakers and public better understand the world, region and Pakistan-specific challenges and opportunities. We make efforts to engage government, civil society, private sector, media, academia in open debates and dialogue on the most significant developments in national and international affairs. We envision contributing to policy-making through periodic policy-papers putting forward policy-recommendations developed in collaboration with experts and stakeholders in each area. IPI takes no institutional position on policy issues.


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